Woman becomes worried over husband’s obesity, plans to divorce

A woman has expressed worry over her husband over obesity, planing to file a divorce if there is no sign of abatement.
The woman’s reaction to her husband’s bodily condition has sparked a debate.
“If she gains more weight, I will divorce him,” she said.
She explained that her fears remain that the man might become ‘morbidly overweight’.
The unnamed woman, believed to be British, took to parenting forum Mumsnet, writing that she fears he will become ‘morbidly overweight’ like her father-in-law.
She added that her husband is ‘quickly heading to that direction’ because he gorges on fast food every day, even though she cooks him healthy meals.
However, some people argued that it sounds like she is the one with ‘issues’ around food, after she admitted she will ‘only eat in the evenings if there’s a special occasion.’
Her comments mirrored another recent Mumsnetdebate where a woman admitted she ‘judges’ parents of overweight children.
The woman explained, “My father-in-law is morbidly overweight, struggles to walk, etc and I have nothing against him but dread the thought of my husband being like that. I’m sorry but I couldn’t stay, I want to be active and do things and to be doing that to your own body…
“He’s quickly heading to that direction though. Him and I never share a meal, he doesn’t eat the healthy food I cook. He would just order a takeaway instead.
“He says he loves my cooking but can’t see him eating it?? I batch cook things so there’s always healthy food in the freezer but he won’t eat it.
“I eat my dinner earlier as I don’t want to put on weight, I will only eat in the evenings if there’s a special occasion.
The unnamed woman, believed to be British, took to the parenting forum, writing that she fears he will become ‘morbidly overweight’ like her father-in-law.”
She continued, “As well, if we go for a day out I will eat and the kids will eat before so we don’t get hungry. He says he’s not hungry and as soon as we get there he will buy something unhealthy.
“This is exactly what his father would do. I just reminded him there’s some really delicious risotto in the freezer as he said he was going to get a takeaway, he says he hasn’t eaten all day.
“He’s not taking the hint! Would I be unreasonable to just tell him if you get as big as your dad I will want a divorce..?”