Economic hardship: “It’s time to earn Allah’s paradise,” says Imam Ajijolakewu

Muslims across the globe have been urged to assist the downtrodden, especially during this time of global economic uncertainty.
Dr. Kamaludeen Ajijolakewu, Chief Imam of Alhaji Yahaya Sanni Central Mosque, made this call during his Friday Jumah sermon in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
In his address, the Imam emphasised the pressing need to support fellow brothers, particularly in light of the economic challenges facing Nigeria. He pointed out that inflation, driven by the rising cost of fuel, has reached unprecedented levels in the country’s history.
Dr. Ajijolakewu stressed that this is a crucial time for financially stable Muslims to seek Allah’s blessings by helping the poor, orphans, and those hardest hit by the economic crisis, highlighting that such acts of charity can lead to spiritual rewards in the hereafter.
While stressing the enormous rewards attached to helping those who are stressed due to one situation the other, the Islamic scholar referenced a narration from Prophet Muhammad who said, “A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that.”
Despite the challenging situations in different parts of the world, he charged Muslims not to give up in the hope of Allah’s infinite mercy.
Nigeria’s inflation has been higher than the average for African and Sub-Saharan countries for years now, and even exceeded 16 percent in 2017 – and a real, significant decrease is nowhere in sight, according to statista.
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has expressed confidence that Nigeria will soon overcome its current economic challenges, citing various initiatives undertaken by the government. In a recent statement, Tinubu reassured the nation that the measures being implemented will lead to a positive turnaround in the near future.