March 10, 2025

Traditional healer nabbed for peddling false cures, contributing to STD, HIV rise among Tanzanian fishers

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Authorities in Tanzania in collaboration, with the Defence and Security Committee, arrested a traditional healer called “Askofu” in the Mbamba Bay area of Nyasa District.

The traditional healer was nabbed for deceiving fishermen on Lake Nyasa by selling them herbal medicines and spreading false claims that engaging in sexual activities in the water could prevent HIV, ward off curses, and boost fishing success.

This misinformation has contributed to a surge in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV cases among the local fishing community.

The arrest followed an investigation by The Citizen and Mwananchi, which exposed traditional healers, including one known as ‘Askofu’ (Kiswahili for ‘Bishop’), selling herbal concoctions and charms to fishermen.

Nyasa District Commissioner, Peres Magiri, educated the fishermen on the dangers of unprotected sex and warned them against believing the healer’s false claims. The healer had operated in Nyasa District without proper registration and permits from the Medical Officer In-charge.”

Additionally, he instructed the police in Nyasa District to interrogate the suspect and take legal action if found guilty.

“Fishermen need to take precautions against HIV, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, and there is no healer who has medicine to cure or prevent HIV,” said DC Magiri.

He called on the local fishermen to uphold ethical standards in their fishing activities and shun the deceptive and baseless advice from the healer.

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