Texas-based publisher Dustin Pickering calls for journalistic integrity at Launch of The Satellite

Dustin Pickering, a distinguished journalist and publisher from the United States, has called for journalistic integrity among practitioners.
Pickering made the call while delivering a thought-provoking speech at the launch of Nigerian Newspaper, The Satellite.
The Texas-based publisher emphasised the core tenets of journalism.
Pickering articulated that the ultimate goal of journalism is “to present views, not undermine them,” reinforcing the essence of unbiased reporting.
He referenced several intellectuals to underscore his point.
He quoted philosopher Isaiah Berlin, stating, “There is no fixed and unchanging truth.”
Pickering continued, “Our globalist era requires collaboration between multiple concepts and beliefs, some of which will oppose each other mutually. This does not mean they’re not part of an interlocking whole.”
He also cited Ralph Waldo Emerson, who believed that “our experience, our perception is conditioned by the need to acquire in parts and in secession.”
Pickering stressed the significance of consistent exposure to different views to enhance the understanding of both their merits and faults.
He emphasised the need for media to pledge allegiance to independent facts rather than personal views, quoting Walter Cronkite, who believed that being truly liberal means being “non-doctrinaire, non-dogmatic, non-committed to a cause, but examining each case on its merits.”
In his discussion Pickering highlighted various challenges that modern media faces, such as the widespread issue of fake news.
He pointed out how authoritative figures worldwide, including former U.S. President Donald Trump and Slovakia’s Prime Minister, have used fake news as a rallying point to attack media integrity. He emphasised that the media must remain neutral, allowing all parties involved to have their voices heard.
Quoting David Bornstein, co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network, he stated, “If we don’t tell the whole story about communities, we are creating bias in the minds of people who often have power over those communities. Journalism can be very empowering.”
Pickering highlighted the polarising nature of modern societies and the role of informed and impassioned individuals in finding balanced solutions to complex issues.
The insights shared by Dustin Pickering and other contributors underscore the vital role of journalism in fostering an informed, balanced, and empowered society.
Pickering was hosted by the founders of the newspaper, Mutiu Olawuyi and Prof. Mahfouz Adedimeji from the English Department of the University of Ilorin.
The virtual event, which drew notable journalists, focused on the challenges modern media outlets face, the opportunities for innovation and the paramount importance of maintaining journalistic integrity.