‘Ya’Allah’ loses potency, Muslim clerics abandon faith, become traditionalists — Imam Offa

The Chief Imam of Offa Kingdom, Sheikh Muyideen Salman, has expressed deep concern over the increasing immorality and deviation from faith among contemporary Muslim clerics.
Addressing congregation in a heartfelt public lecture, the seasoned Islamic scholar shed tears as he exposed the widespread misconduct, particularly among the younger generation of Muslim clerics.
“When people seek solace through the Holy Qur’an, approaching alfas for divine intervention, they are met with a shocking reality. The alfas of today have deviated, losing their belief in Allah. ‘Ya’Allah’ has lost its potency, and they have embraced traditional practices, resorting to concoctions, sacrifices, and African charms for protection,” lamented Imam Offa.
Watch the public lecture here.
Imam Offa emphasized the abandonment of the fear of Allah among Muslim clerics, accusing them of engaging in sinister acts such as using human parts for spiritual purposes.
“It is horrifying that these so-called alfas are resorting to cannibalistic practices, inscribing Arabic words on human flesh, and consuming alcohol mixed with it. Barbaric acts have become alarmingly common among Muslim clerics,” he exclaimed.
The seasoned scholar issued a stern warning, stating that those involved in such despicable acts would face dire consequences. He urged the Muslim community to be vigilant and uphold the true teachings of Islam, cautioning that straying from the path of righteousness could lead to a perilous fate.