September 8, 2024

Tudun Biri: Defence Headquarters vows to exercise caution in subsequent aerial operations

In response to the accidental bombing of civilians in the Tudun Biri community, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State by unmanned drones of the Nigerian Army, last Sunday, the Nigerian Defence Headquarters has pledged to exercise caution in their subsequent operations to prevent large casualties of civilians.

“Henceforth, we will be 100 percent sure of our target before we carry out bombings,” Director of Defence Media Operations, Major Gen Edward Buba, assured, as he announced the number of people killed in the aerial bombardment.

“We, as the Armed Forces of Nigeria, will continue to conduct our operations consistent with the rules of engagement, which we have always done and our operations wËll always be joint.

“Regarding the incident that happened in Kaduna, the military always learns from its operations and continues to build from it. The military will deal with it squarely. We will ensure that we have zero occurrences in the future.”

Commenting on a claim by the Arewa group that the bombing was intended to reduce the population of the North, Gen Buba criticized such thinking, saying: “The armed forces of Nigeria is a professional force. We have members from every tribe, ethnic group from all parts of this country. Whatever that group is saying, it is faulty, it is in error and unpatriotic.

“We should realise that it is not just the military that is at war, all the country is at war. We are in it together. The country is taking part in the war. We will make sure that going forward, we get more training, more understanding of the processes and protocols involved to make sure that next time, we are 100 per cent sure before we carry out bombings.

“For now, we will continue to urge communities to pass information to us. Ie you see something, know something, give us information,  and timely, too.”

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