October 18, 2024

South Africa terminates search and rescue operations at collapsed George apartment


Search and rescue efforts in the collapsed structure in South Africa have ended following days of operations to unearth victims.

No fewer than 19 people are still missing, leaving families and friends concerned about the whereabouts of their beloved ones, who may likely remain buried under rubble.

Authorities say about 33 construction workers died when the five-story luxury apartment building collapsed on May 6, while 29 survivors were pulled from the debris.

The building will now be handed over to investigators to establish the cause of the accident, which marks the end of the search and rescue operations.

Earlier on Thursday, South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa, visited the site and pledged compensation for the victims.

He assured accountability once the investigation into the cause of the collapse was concluded.

Many of the workers, according to officials, were foreign nationals from Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, and authorities were calling for translators to help communicate with survivors.

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